- Interfaces digital video cameras to SBus
- Supports 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 24 bit resolution
- Data rates to 20 MB per second
- Direct memory access makes SDV camera resolution independent
- Programmable mode, exposure time, gain, black level and triggering
- SUN SPARCstation compatible
- Single SBus slot
The SDV provides high-resolution image capture for digital video cameras. Spatial and depth resolution and the number of buffers are limited only by the host memory. Images can be captured and displayed in real-time. Firmware to support various camera models is available. The SDV is compatible with Noesis Vision, Inc.'s image processing and analysis software package, Visilog, General Imaging's Image Processing package - ProtoPIPE, and EDT's MARK-8 and MARK-16 high speed disk arrays.
Cameras Supported
- KODAK MEGAPLUS Camera Models
and XHF
or other AIA Monochrome, Category 1, extended single channel digital cameras
- Xillix Micro Imager 1400 and 1412 digital camera
- Cohu 411 X Series digital camera
- Hamamatsu C4742, and C4880 digital
- DVC Company camera Models DVC-8, DVC-10
- Cincinnati Electronics IRC-160 or IRC-160ST digital camera
- Astromed 4100 digital camera
- Kontron Elektronik GmbH ProgRes 3012 color digital camera
- PULNiX TM-1000 digital camera
- Princeton Instruments PentaMAX, MicroMAX and ST-138
- Contact EDT for updated list
The SDV comes with a configurable device driver, a C language interface library, example programs, and an X-Windows based camera control and image capture display program. The device driver provides direct virtual memory access for the Sun SPARCstation, including features for controlling the device and determining its status. Example programs demonstrate this capability using the functions provided in the library. An FCodes PROM is included on the card for identification and initialization.
- Computer-assisted manufacturing
- Computer microscopy
- Image archiving
- Image processing and and analysis
- Medical Imaging
- Multimedia
- Security
Video Interface
A programmable gate array is configured for a specific video camera when the driver is loaded. Thirty-two RS-422 signals are configured as inputs or outputs, as required by the camera. Outputs can also be configured as single-ended for TTL camera control lines. The SDV contains no memory. Video data is stored in host memory as required by the camera and application.
Drivers for Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.1.x) or Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x)
SBus Compliance
DMA bursts of 2, 4, 8, or 16 words, as supported by the host
Slave transfers used: byte, half word and word
25 MHz maximum clock
Level 5 interrupt
Fujitsu FCN 2341 PO96-GO connector or Honda PCS-96MD connector
Some SBus hosts may not support the SBus bandwidth required by a given camera. Contact EDT, Inc. for advice on selecting the appropriate host.
Ten-foot cables compatible with the camera supported are included. Longer cables available at an additional charge.
Occupies one standard SBus slot
Dimensions: 3.3" x 5.87" x 0.5"
Weight: 6 oz.
High density 80-pin connector
AMP PN759075-8
5V DC, 1 A
Operating: 10░ to 40░ C
Nonoperating:-20░ to 60░ C
Operating: 20% to 80% noncondensing @ 40░ C
Nonoperating: 95% noncondensing @ 40░ C
EDT provides several levels of customer support, from phone consultation to custom design of hardware, software, or FCode drivers, at hourly rates. The SDV driver source code is available for an additional charge.
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